Motorcar Insurance

Compulsary Third Party Liability • Comprehensive Motor Insurance

Take the long roads and drive securely. We got your wheels covered against vehicular accident.

Compulsary Third Party Liability

is a mandatory requirement for car registration. It covers the death and/or bodily injury of a Third-Party victim in an accident caused by the Insured Vehicle.

Comprehensive Motor Insurance

Protects the insured from financial misfortunes due to loss, damage, or theft of the insured vehicle including liability to third party.

Insurance Coverage

AUTOMOBILE LOSS/OWN DAMAGEProtect yourself from automobile damage or theft.
THIRD PARTY LIABILITYExcess Bodily Injury or Property Damage of up to Php 500,000.00.
AUTO PERSONAL ACCIDENTAccident protection of up to Php 50,000.00
and Medical Reimbursement of up to Php 5,000.00
LOSS OF USEYou can get as much as Php 500.00 reimbursable
transportation allowance per day for a maximum of 15 days

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